About Me
Hi, thank you for visiting my blog! This blog has been years in the making. I have kicked the idea around for years, I always knew that I loved writing but I never thought I really had something to write that someone would think was worth reading.
I wrote a “book” in high school that was supposed to be a 5-10 page short story, it quickly turned into 90+ pages! It definitely is not on my list of things to publish but I found that I really did love writing. This past year of 2020 has been one of incredibly growth (by growth I mean painful stretching to survive). I was a nurse on the front lines of the Covid-19 Pandemic, while at the same time dealing with the passing of my mom.
So I wrote some of my feelings on Facebook/Instagram through everything. It was very well received and people enjoyed reading what I wrote… More so than that, it was therapy for me. I loved writing and I knew other people have similar feelings just not always expressing them. So here, I finally take the leap to share my heart in hopes that my words can bless another soul.
What I do
About Me
I am a mom of two amazing kiddos. Levi is my amazing first born. He is strong, smart, very coordinated and loving. Makenna is my gift from God that I did not know we needed. Levi prayed and cried for a baby sister (I have videos to prove it!) and we were so blessed with this fire cracker!
About Me
I am a nurse and I absolutely love it. Even the hard days are very rewarding. I never ever (ever) wanted to be a nurse, but God’s plans were different than my own and I have been so insanely blessed once I became a nurse. I hope to shed some light and give a glimpse of what nurses go through.
About Me
I have been married to my amazing husband James since February 2013. We have had quite the rollercoaster but there the Jonas Brothers said it best when they sang, “but I’d go back and ride that rollercoaster with you.”
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